Digital integration and transformation, big data, global distribution and international production of content: for many years now, cultural, media and entertainment companies or organizations have been experiencing these disruptive changes. As a SME, you want to know: which strategy at what cost, what kind of softwares and technical tools are available on the market, how can you make sure your team is aligned to your strategy and objectives, how can you develop, integrate or position your company in an international network of professionals from the cultural, entertainment and media sectors.
Let me help you find the right answer to these questions and support you on this path towards a successful transformation.
Transformation Strategy
Change cannot be imposed, it needs to be managed and supported. Your transformation
project will be successful if your teams understand it, accept it, support it.
You cannot impose change on your teams, you support and accompany them so that they accept the change. In order to succeed, your transformation strategy needs the full commitment and support from your team.
Here is what I can do for you:
- Assess the performance of your organization, your business processes, your business model, and offer solutions specially adapted to your company’s structure
- Develop with you a plan to deploy and communicate internally your strategic objectives.
- Support the deployment and implementation of your strategic guidelines
- Build together an action plan to support your managers during the process of communication of the objectives to their teams, so that your teams understand these objectives and share them.
- Support you in the implementation of a cross-cutting approach to management
- Assist you in leading you projects’ coordination
- Management of Copyrights and Royalties
Let’s find the shortest path between creators and their rights
Generating appropriate and fair revenues for rightsholders means accessing, processing and analyzing an ever-expanding high volume of data and transactions. Excellence in services to membership and clients in the digital age depends on your organization's capacity to transform its economic model in order to integrate digital processing of your business operations.
Here is what I can do for you :
- Analyze and assess the quality and efficiency of your relationship and services to your members, writers, directors, artists, producers, as well as companies distributing the works of your members
- Develop with you a range of services adapted to each category of your membership and clients
- Assess your online services by conducting a benchmark with other copyright management organizations in Europe and internationally
- Put together an inventory of technical tools and softwares available on the market, in order to integrate digital technologies within your company, enabling the identification and tracking of works in order to improve your performance in the management of rights
- Look for synergies with other organizations to optimize your operations and reduce your costs
- Improve and enhance the quality of your data basis for works and membership
- International RelationsTo be a stakeholder that counts locally,you need to be valued and recognized internationally.
From production to distribution, whatever your business line is, your presence, your visibility on the international landscape will be a factor of success for your company.
Here is what I can do for you:
- Identify the main stakeholders in your area of business, in the most significant countries, and develop an action plan to expand your framework of international relations.
- Improve your image and positioning as a major stakeholder in your sector of activity in the most significant countries
- Maximize your capacity to improve and process tracking of your members’ works around the world.
- Look for possible synergies with other organizations in the world, in order to reduce your costs
- A legal and economic watch in relevant countries in the following areas :
- Copyright and authors’ rights legislation
- Changes in the various markets of distribution of works
- Data on production of works in relevant countries
- Changes in contractual practices between production companies and authors, writers, directors
- Process institutional tender competitions for production, coproduction and distribution of works in several countries.
A strong field experience
My added value : a unique, comprehensive multicultural experience in general management and business operations
I have more than 15 years of experience as general manager of companies in the cultural sector, where I could successfully lead the transformation of organizations with a traditional management deeply embedded, in 3 different countries, France USA and Spain. Some of my achievements : turnaround of the organization chart, of IT Systems, development of digital transformation strategies. In addition to this business operation experience, I also acquired an expertise in negotiating deals with trade organizations in these sectors, broadcasters, streaming services, VOD and SVOD platforms. I also have a long experience in lobbying : I initiated the launching of a lobbying structure in Brussels for writers and directors (www.saa-authors.eu) which I chaired for 3 years. I was a member of the Board of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors (www.cisac.org) . I contributed to the EU Commission’s programs targeting changes in copyright laws in Central and Eastern European countries and training in copyright management.
In May 2017, building on this multicultural, international management experience, I established myself as consultant to advise and service organizations from the cultural and media sector.
Finally, as what I enjoy the most is to pass my knowledge on to others and share my experiences, my values, I really hope that I can contribute to the training of students in business schools which provide a curriculum on management of cultural and media businesses.
Feel free to contact me !
Jlorente Consulting © 2018
3 services : Transformation Strategy, Management of Copyrights and Royalties & International relations